Thursday, October 31, 2019

Facts about Tupaia

In He Puna Kawenga we have been learning about Tupaia the Master Navigator. First we read an article about him and wrote some facts in our own words on a google doc. Then we put the facts in a slideshow with some pictures that matched. Here is my slideshow

Here is my Facts about Tupaia.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Money change

In He Puna Kawenga, this term we are learning about money. One of the activities that Miss Nation wanted us to do was to figure out how we could spend $20 at New World supermarket. By choosing what we wanted to buy, we then had to use our adding to make sure we didn't spend more than $20. 

Next was spending $30 at the Warehouse by using their online catalogue to see what costumes we could get for that price. I found it difficult because most of the costumes were too dear.

Here is my google drawing about what i found.