Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Facts about Puanga

In He Puna Kawenga we have been learning about Puanga. Puanga is the celebration of the Maori New Year. Here is my facts about Puanga slideshow.


  1. Hey Javanah
    I really like your facts about Puanga. It tells me alot about it. Secretly I was a little bit jealous.

  2. Hi Javanah
    I really like your slideshow because it tells me a lot about Puanga. I also like the colors you used as well. I can see you worked hard on it.

  3. Hi Javanah
    I like your Puanga slide show because it tells me a lot about Puanga. It is impressive how you know so much about Maori things. Was it fun to learn more about Maori and then write it in a slide?

  4. Hi Javanah
    I like your Puanga slide show because it tells me a lot about Puanga. It is so cool that you know a lot about Puanga. Was it fun to describe Puanga?. Did you have to search facts about Puanga? to or not.
